Knowledge Transfer

One of the most important challenges for the modernization and transformation of the country is to ensure that scientific knowledge and the results of cutting-edge research carried out in Spain are applied to the development of new technologies that respond to economic and social challenges.

The aim of this investment is to give a decisive boost to the transfer of knowledge. To this end, 6 actions are proposed to address this challenge of improvement in all the key agents necessary for scientific knowledge and research results to be applied to the development of new technologies that meet the challenges of society:

  • New call for grants in competitive concurrence "Innovation Ecosystems based on the Cervera Networks of Excellence".
  • Improvement of the capacities and orientation of the Research Results Transfer Offices (OTRIs).
  • Calls for Cervera Grants to Technology Centers, research centers and SMEs and mindcaps to carry out R&D in priority technologies.
  • Call for grants to Spanish SMEs with the European seal of excellence.
  • Measures for venture capital, co-investment and investment in companies with strategic technologies.
  • Reinforcement of the call for NEOTEC grants.


Apply scientific knowledge and research results to the development of new technologies.

Responsible entity

Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital